Huntsville Pistol & Revolver Club

AGM 2024

Hold the Date

This years AGM will take place on Wednesday October 2nd starting with a 6:00pm Pizza Social

At 7:00pm the AGM will start

Below is an initial draft summary of what is coming at this years AGM per each current Club Executive

A finalized Agenda will be emailed out to all members as we get closer to the date

We will again be holding a raffle prize for all in attendance

Please do not bring any firearms or ammo to the Club during the AGM

Per the HPRC By-Laws this is not an Election Year

During the AGM we will also start to collect 2025 Membership Renewals – You can bring your payment at the AGM- Further reminder emails regarding 2025 Renewals will begin in October as well

A limited amount of HPRC Hoodies and Shirts will be available for sale during the Social