Huntsville Pistol & Revolver Club
Your first name and 3Digit PAL (just like the sign-in book)*
Since joining HPRC how would you rate overall your experience with the Club
Do you feel the Club provides what you need on your Range Day visits
Club Cleanliness – Rating between 1-5 (5 highest)
Club Responsivenes
If I could change one thing about the Club it would be
Outdoor Range
What one thing do you feel it would be important for the HPRC Executive to know
New Member Probation
The Club Level Safety Course / Club Orientation
Do you feel you hear enough from the Club ?
Are you using the new HPRC.CLUB website?
What types of things would you like to receive information about from the Club about?
Do you expect to re-new your membership for 2024
Will you be attending our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on September 27th
One thing you Love about the Club
One thing you Don’t Love about the Club
What type of Courses would you consider attending if we hosted them?
Would you like to see a regular Social meetup at the Club
As a member run Organization we on occasion need people to help out
Would you donate to the Club