HPRC Club Level Safety (CLS) Course

Please take your time and work through the CLS Pre-Orientation Review

Feel free to use any resources you need to help you answer any questions

You can reach out anytime to us at [email protected]

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Please Enter your Full Name

After each answer you are provided the correct result of your choice

The Correct answer will appear in Green and the Incorrect answer will appear in Red

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Please enter your Email

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The Lobby is the first Section of the HPRC Range you come to; upon entering the Club

There are 3 core areas of HPRC;  we are simply providing you this information upfront before your New Member Orientation

Please review the information and accept them as True

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The STALL area is located within the Shooting Area of the Range

It is the second area of the Club you will enter into

This information is being provided upfront before your New Member Orientation

Please accept this information as True

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The Down Range area is the third area of the Club


This information is being provided upfront before your New Member Orientation

Please accept this information as True

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Upon Entering the Club; after locking the door behind me, putting my gear down, turning on the Lobby lights … what should I do next

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Eye and Ear Protection must be work while shooting

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 What does C in ACTS stand for

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Who and When can a CEASE FIRE command be called out

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Upon Hearing a CeaseFire command what should you do next

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Four Main Hand Gun Fundamentals

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Where is the Firearm Data Stamp located on a modern firearm

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Select One item found on the Head Stamp of a modern center fire cartridge


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Leaving a loaded firearm on the Stall while I go take a quick call or bathroom break is OK

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Live Ammo is allowed in designated Safe Areas

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Identify the Parts listed in the Revolver Shown

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Identify parts shown in this 1911 Pistol

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What does the Range Red Light mean

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What procedure should you follow after a MISFIRE

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What is the Club Rule around bringing Guests with you to the Club – after you have finished your Probation Period

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What does the P in PROVE mean

Every firearm must be ACTS/PROVE before use at the Bench  and before re-boxing at the Stall

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If the parking lot is empty, I can assume the Range is not in use

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What does the Range GREEN Status Light mean ?

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If I arrive at the Range and I see someone is already in the Stall Range area, what should I do before I enter the Range (while I am still in the Lobby)

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When moving a firearm to/from the Bench and Stalls area; how should I be holding my firearm

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If you see any firearm on a surface and you cannot see the Action area – what should you assume

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