Guns or Groceries Draw is Live !
click here to learn more
Draw is open to all members of HPRC only (including probation members) […]
WTF ? – Where’s the Funds
Use the link below to sign an NFA Buy-Back Petition
Petition – The 67 Million dollar Question: Where Did “Buy-Back” Funds Really Go?
The full letter with the background to this Petition is below
NFA-2024-Fall-AppealDownload […]
Outdoor Range – Time Change
As of November 2nd the Outdoor Range Availability Time will change again until Closure
A separate email will be emailed when this happens
Monday to Saturday – 10:00am to 4:00pm and Sunday – 12:00noon to 4:00pm […]
RPAL Course Available
If someone you know is interested in getting their RPAL …
A Canadian Restricted Firearm Safety (RPAL) Course will be held on Sunday, November 24th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Village Square, 1198 Vankoughnet Road in Bracebridge is the location
The class is restricted to 12 maximum students. First come, First served basis
You must have an existing valid PAL to join this class
To Join the the class, please email the following to [email protected]
Full name Last, First, Middle | Date of Birth | Full Mailing Address | Telephone
Cost is 210.00 per student sent via e-transfer to same above email account
A student manual is available for $21.00; it is also available for free download PDF from the RCMP website
Confirmation of your spot will be sent within 24 hours […]
Outdoor Range | Hours Change
Please note the Outdoor Range Hours of Operation are now adjusted to reflect time of year and setting sun
Monday to Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00pm
Sunday 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm
Per the email send out to members on October 3rd
These times could be adjusted once more before the end of the Range year
We are ensuring our members have some access to the outdoor range to prep for hunting season etc […]
Membership Renewal Time
It is that time of year again !
Please help the Club out by renewing your 2025 membership as early as you can
Payments can be made by cash or cheque at the Club (ensure you put it in an envelope with your full name and email )
You can also E-Transfer funds (again ensure in the notes you have your full name and email)
Check for an email with full details […]
Another Gun Range Closure
During the AGM and in an email we sent back out in June of this year … we spoke about the number of Gun Range closures in the last years
Unfortunately we have another recent one
I’m tapped out,” owner J.R. Cox said in an interview with Postmedia.
Cox has also seen a precipitous decline in membership over the past four years as federal legislation limited the number of new gun owners in the province, he said, resulting in declines in revenue that have reached as high as $3 million annually.
Full Story – click below
JR Cox has been in a big asset to the gun community for a long time […]
Post 2024 AGM Notes
Thank you to all our members who made it out to the 2024 HPRC AGM (Annual General Meeting) last week
Nice to see so many members come out to the Club
We covered a lot of great things that have been going on at the Club as of late and some things about our future
A full copy of the presentation made and notes are available on HPRC.CLUB now
To access the presentation please go to the Members Only Area
(this will require you to enter a password which is a 4 digit number – the Club Front Door Code – also written on your membership badge)
then there is a section for HPRC AGM with the files to view
As part of the follow-up to the AGM there are going to be some important emails being sent out
Please take the time to read all correspondence from the Club
Once again, a big thanks to all who help out at the AGM and throughout the year to make HPRC a Safe Place for Safe Shooters […]
RCMP loses 205 Firearms
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has lost 205 firearms since 2020, including more than 120 handguns and at least five fully automatic weapons like machine-guns.
The data, which was obtained through an access to information request, also shows that nearly a dozen RCMP firearms have gone missing so far this year.
In total, 122 handguns, 55 shotguns, 23 rifles, three submachine-guns and two machine-guns have been reported lost by RCMP detachments across the country since 2020. Canadians are largely prohibited from using or acquiring machine-guns and submachine-guns, which are fully automatic and capable of rapid fire.
Full Article – Click Here […]
Tree Clearing by HPRC Entrance
Over the past week several of the dead/dying trees by our parking lot and entrance have been removed
For safety reasons and ensuring our parking and entrance area is kept clean this work was completed […]